A collection of work by Stephen Chang, Eric Chiang, Steve Chon, James Paick and Eric Ryan
Here is my WIP post based on the abstract shape I created last week. It's not done by any means but feel free to comment. I plan on fixing colors, lighting and adding more atmosphere like rain and lighting. By the way this is the first tech piece I've done in a probably years. It's been too long :P
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clockwork art
10:48 PM
sweeeet!! very nice eric. yah, i agree with you, i think that a little atmosphere-rain and lightning will give this ship an ominous feel. very cool, i've been meaning to work on your abstract shape. thanks for posting.
-steve chon
ER on the sci-fi tip! I think the shapes are cool and the lighting works for me overall. I dont think it needs much else but some smaller details to show scale.... cut lines, rivets and bolts, handles, paint schemes, rust/decay, air inlets etc. Great start...
and I thought you only did characters =P
-James Paick
Wow thats awesome! I'd say the only thing is to define the scale of the time machine, other then that its a great piece!
thanks alot guys. yeah you have several great ideas that i didn't think about james so i will get to it...thanks! i was looking at that nicolas bouvier "ellispoid complex" tutorial in the d'artiste book for help on how to turn crazy shapes into useable designs. yeah it didn't occur to me yet to add scale reference either, although i was thinking of where the hell i would put a cockpit!!! - Eric Ryan
I think the cockpit is already there... the front portion with the circle lights could be it or the glowing portion could be it as well.
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